Aging fluidity & omics signatures

In this episode, Alice Limonciel and Vadim Gladyshev discuss the use of omics in aging research, the place of metabolomics in a field largely dominated by DNA methylation, how aging research can impact all of biomedical research, and the reversibility of aging markers in various models.

Vadim Gladyshev

Vadim Gladyshev is a Professor of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Discover more about the work of his team here.

Favorite metabolite

Papers discussed in this episode
DNA methylation, transcriptomics and metabolomics to study biological age after surgery, in pregnancy, and severe COVID-19.
Biological age is increased by stress and restored upon recovery
Jesse R Poganik, Bohan Zhang, Gurpreet S Baht, Alexander Tyshkovskiy, Amy Deik, Csaba Kerepesi, Sun Hee Yim, Ake T Lu, Amin Haghani, Tong Gong, Anna M Hedman, Ellika Andolf, Göran Pershagen, Catarina Almqvist, Clary B Clish, Steve Horvath, James P White, Vadim N Gladyshev. Cell Metabolism. 2023 |

Organization of the Mammalian Metabolome according to Organ Function, Lineage Specialization, and Longevity
Siming Ma, Sun Hee Yim, Sang-Goo Lee, Eun Bae Kim, Sang-Rae Lee, Kyu-Tae Chang, Rochelle Buffenstein, Kaitlyn N Lewis, Thomas J Park, Richard A Miller, Clary B Clish, Vadim N Gladyshev. Cell Metabolism. 2015 |

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Finally available – Alice’s first book
The STORY principle – A guide to the biological interpretation of metabolomics
Also featuring some of the Metabolomists from Season 1
Available on Amazon and the biocrates webshop

Metabolomics podcast